Alice O. Nakamura's Research

Selected Recent Work

The Cyclicality of Hiring and Separations: Evidence from Canada (with Emi Nakamura, Kyle Phong, and Jon Steinsson)

A pooled mutational analysis identifies ionizing radiation-associated mutational signatures conserved between mouse and human malignancies

(Phillip R. Davidson, Amy L. Sherborne, Barry Taylor, Alice O. Nakamura, Jean L. Nakamura)
Scientific Reports, 7, Article Number 7645, August 2017.

Somatic and germline TP53 alterations in second malignant neoplasms from pediatric cancer survivors

(Amy L. Sherborne, Vincent Lavergne, Katherine Yu, Leah Lee, Phillip R. Davidson, Tali Mazor, Ivan Smirnoff, Andrew Horvai, Mignon Loh, Steven G. DuBois, Robert E. Goldsby, Joseph Neglia, Sue Hammond, Leslie L. Robison, Rosanna Wustrack, Joseph Costello, Alice O. Nakamura, Kevin Shannon, Smita Bhatia, Jean L. Nakamura)
Clinical Cancer Research, 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-0610, January 2016.

Mutational Analysis of Ionizing Radiation Induced Neoplasms

(Amy L. Sherborne, Phillip R. Davidson, Katherine Yu, Alice O. Nakamura, Mamunur Rashid, and Jean L. Nakamura)
Cell Reports, 12(11), 1915-1926, September 2015.

Sourcing Substitution and Related Price Index Biases (with W. Erwin Diewert, John S. Greenlees, Leonard Nakamura, and Marshall B. Reinsdorf)

in Susan N.Houseman and Michael Mandel (eds.), Measuring Globalization: Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy, Volume 1, Biases to Price, Output, and Productivity Statistics from Trade, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2015.

Returns to Scale: Concept, Estimation and Analysis of Japan’s Turbulent 1964-1988 Economy (with W. Erwin Diewert, Takanobu Nakajima, Emi Nakamura, and Masao Nakamura)

Canadian Journal of Economics, 44(2), 451-485, May 2011.

Wal-Mart Innovation and Productivity: A Viewpoint (with Richard B. Freeman, Leonard Nakamura, Marc Prud'homme, and Amanda Pyman)

Canadian Journal of Economics, 44(2), 486-508, May 2011.

Price Dynamics, Retail Chains and Measurement (with Emi Nakamura and Leonard Nakamura)

Journal of Econometrics, 161, 47-55, 2011.

Selected Publications in Labor Economics

Education, Training and Prosperity (with Peter Lawrence)

in T.J. Courchene (ed.), Stabilization, Growth and Distribution: Linkages in the Knowledge Era, John Deutsch Institute, Queen's University, 235-279, 1994.

Predicting Female Labor Supply: Effects of Children and Recent Work Experience (with Masao Nakamura)

Journal of Human Resources, 29(2), 304-327, Spring 1994.

The Econometrics of Female Labor Supply and Children (with Masao Nakamura)

Econometric Reviews, 11, 1-71, 1992.

The Second Paycheck: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Earnings (with Masao Nakamura, with forward by James J. Heckman)

London, Academic Press, 1985.

Dynamic Models of the Labor Force Behavior of Married Women Which Can Be Estimated Using Limited Amounts of Information (with Masao Nakamura)

Journal of Econometrics, 27, 273-298, March 1985.

Part-Time and Full-Time Work Behaviour of Married Women: A Model with a Doubly Truncated Dependent Variable (with Masao Nakamura)

Canadian Journal of Economics, 16(2), 229-257, May 1983.

Employment and Earnings of Married Females (with Masao Nakamura and Dallas Cullen)

Ottawa, Statistics Canada, December 1979,

A Comparison of the Labor Force Behavior of Married Women in the United States and Canada, with Special Attention to the Impact of Income Taxes (with Masao Nakamura)

Econometrica, 49(2), 451-489, March 1981.

Job Opportunities, the Offered Wage, and the Labor Supply of Married Women (with Masao Nakamura and Dallas Cullen)

American Economic Review, 69(5), 787-805, December 1979.

Incentive and Disincentive Experimentation for Income Maintenance Policy Purposes (with Guy Orcutt)

American Economic Review, 58(4), 754-772, September 1968.

Selected Publications in Econometrics

Model Specification and Endogeneity (with Masao Nakamura)

Journal of Econometrics, 83, 213-237, March-April 1998.

On the Performance of Tests by Wu and by Hausman for Detecting the Ordinary Least Squares Bias Problem (with Masao Nakamura)

Journal of Econometrics, 7, 213-227, September 1985.

Estimating Transition Probabilities from Panel Data (with Marcel Dagenais and Masao Nakamura)

Economics Letters, 19, 31-34, 1985.

On the Relationship Among Several Specification Error Tests Presented by Durbin, Wu, and Hausman (with Masao Nakamura)

Econometrica, 49(6), 1583-1588, November 1981.

On the Impact of the Tests for Serial Correlation Upon the Test of Significance for the Regression Coefficient (with Masao Nakamura)

Journal of Econometrics, 7, 199-210, June 1978.

Testing for Relationships Between Time Series (with Masao Nakamura and Guy Orcutt)

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 71(353), 214-222, March 1976.

Selected Publications in Measurement

The Housing Bubble and a New Approach to Accounting for Housing in a CPI (with W. Erwin Diewert and Leonard Nakamura)

Journal of Housing Economics, 18(3), 156-171, September 2009.

The Measurement of Productivity for Nations (with W. Erwin Diewert)

in James J. Heckman and Edward Leamer (eds.), Handbook of Econometric Methods, Vol. 6, Part A, Chapter 66, 4501-4586, 2007

Benchmarking and the Measurement of Best Practice Efficiency: An ElectricityGeneration Application (with W. Erwin Diewert)

Canadian Journal of Economics, 32(2), 570-588, April 1999.

The New Goods Problem from the Perspective of Price Index Making in Canada and Japan (with Andrew Baldwin, Pierre Despres, and Masao Nakamura)

in T. Bresnahan and R.J. Gordon (eds.), New Goods, NBER/University of Chicago Press, 437-476, 1996.

Selected Publications in Other Areas

Rational Expectations and the Firm's Dividend Behavior (with Masao Nakamura)

Review of Economics and Statistics, 67(4), 606-615, November 1985.

On the Firm's Production, Capital Structure and Demand for Debt (with Masao Nakamura)

Review of Economics and Statistics, 64(3), 384-393, August 1982.